Claridge's Hotel is popularly known as the continuation of Buckingham Palace: name perebyvavshih of politicians can be written the history of international diplomacy.
Since in 1812 the hotel first opened its doors, there were many receptions and dinner, stopped by monarchs, ambassadors and ministers.
One night, July 17, 1945 suddenly started deliveries of the wife of the Yugoslav King, Princess Anne, staying in room 212.
Advertise Anna that the baby was born abroad, the way the heir to the throne Crown would be permanently closed and that the Yugoslav royal family could not afford. When on the geopolitical issue reported the British premiere of Sir Winston Churchill, he is, nothing embarrassed, signed a decree on the appointment of a bedroom ... the number 212 over Yugoslavia. And in order to finally outwit geography, ordered to pour a handful of bed birth Balkan lands. The next morning, after Anna has safely resolved by the burden bedroom again went to the UK. Crown Prince Alexander has not managed to become king: after several months of the monarchy in Yugoslavia fell and started the socialist era in the history of the Balkan States. And number 212 on the fourth floor of the hotel Claridge's has since evolved into a luxurious suite - one of the most interesting British suites.
Price £ 4200
21 Şubat 2009 Cumartesi
History with geography.
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